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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Play Pokemon Online

The people in charge of making Pokemon popular again have done a great job. Pokemon was big a few years ago and it's recently made an amazing comeback. A whole new generation of kids are trying to catch them all.

It's a very good time to be a Pokemon fan. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS have been in the Top 10 best selling games for months now and the Diamond and Pearl cartoon is pretty popular too. But why stop there? I have a vision and Pokemon people feel free to borrow this idea from me, that would make Pokemon an even more dominant gaming franchise. I'd like to see a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the world of Pokemon.

Sure, I know that's there's a few Pokemon games online like Pokemon Crater and Pokemon Online (POL) but those games are pretty simple and based on the game play of the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon. And I don't even think that Nintendo has anything to do with them. They could be one cease and desist letter away from being shut down.

I'd like to see a World of Warcraft style Pokemon game online. Use the same story line and game play as Diamond and Pearl but put the players in a cartoonish 3D environment. Choose your trainer avatar and start your adventure. Think about how cool it would be to wander around different towns and cities, catch wild Pokemon, train them, battle other trainers, do gym battles, collect badges and enter tournaments and do it all in a online 3D environment that you share with other Pokemon trainers. And to make it interesting they could add some members of Team Rocket to mix. Jessie and James could be bots that come along and try to steal your Pokemon.

This would be a great game for the Wii's Online Service. Pokemon Battle Revolution is out and it already has online play in Japan but that game is just an extension of Diamond and Pearl. Without a DS, that game isn't too good. No, they need to start over with a whole new online Pokemon game.

The Nintendo Wii is the hottest selling new video game console right now and it's outselling the PS3 and XBox 360. The Wii is still hard to find in the stores and that isn't going to change anytime soon. The Wii's only weakness seems to be it's online play which is weak at best. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is going to have online play but it's release has been pushed back to February. My Worlds of Warcraft Pokemon game idea (let's call it Worlds of Pokemon for this article) if done right, could become the game that puts the Wii Online Service on the map.

Hopefully someone at Nintendo has already come up with this idea and programmers are already hard at work on Worlds of Pokemon. If not, then I hope they have enough free time to read this article and get inspired.

When Anthony Tripp isn't teaching his son how to catch them all, he's coming up with ideas about how to play Pokemon online and writing about it on his blog,

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EVE Online Macros - The Bane Of Good Play

CCP's massive EVE Online MMORPG is the dominant science fiction MMO on the market today. With dynamic game play, and a player run economy, coupled with a "real world time" driven method for building up skills, it provides a dynamic challenge for players.

It also has, like any MMO, a number of repetitive tasks that aren't terribly fun to do, like mining asteroids, or queueing production. This is where EVE Online Macros come into play. There are a lot of sites out there that promise you EVE Online macros that will automate the boring stuff. Some will show you how to record your own macros for mining and processing ore, some will attempt to sell you EVE Online macros that are readily made.

Understand that doing an EVE Online Macro is a violation of the terms of service to the game; if your account is caught using macros to automate the activities of the game, it will be suspended.

Most people who look at using EVE Online Macros are looking to accumulate in-game currency (ISKs) at a rate faster than normal play would allow (or to allow their account to remain logged in, doing mining, while they're off doing something else. Because ISKs can also be used to buy in-game game credits, CCP Games is more than a little bit concerned about prevalent macro abuse, and they work hard to shut it down.

If you are planning on using an EVE Online Macro, do so with some subtlety. Don't just let it run non-stop, but pick a dedicated time when it's plausible for you to get the money you're accumulating. Don't use money from macro mining to buy game credits; use it only on in game things. And, even if you do these things, expect your account to get nuked at some point.

Insofar as buying EVE Online macros, there are ones for sale (regularly) on, and others for sale on eBay. Be careful of any of them - and run a virus and malware scanner before installing them. A lot of hackers are using game cheats (like these) as trojan horses to load viruses and malware, building up a bot net.

Note that not all EVE Online Macros are considered bad; one EVE Online Macro that's permitted is EVEMon, which monitors your training times in skills, and makes recommendations for the next skills to purchase based on activities you've done recently - including helping you pick pre-requisite skills for things you wouldn't think of. CCP games refers to this time of third party program as a quality of life enhancer, not an exploit.

Derek Smithson has written articles on EVE Online ships and the EVE Online free trial which is available, as well as a number of EVE Online guides.

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Can You Afford Not to Have the Best Web Host?

Your web host is the place where all your website files are stored and where people can access them and as such they play a crucial role in the success of your online business. It is therefore important to get the best possible host for your business.

Your Web Host Should Have a High Up Time Rate

The first critical factor for choosing a web host is what their up time is, or how much time they may be down and therefore people not able to access your website. You want to be online 100% of the time, although this may not always be strictly possible you should try to get as close to this as possible as you don't want people to go to your website and find that you're not there.

Your Web Host Should Provide All the Services You Need

Think about what you need for your website - do you want PHP, MYSQL and other advanced features or will you just be using HTML? It is important that your web host meets all your needs for these different programming languages, databases and other features. In general it is better to have more than you need than less and this can often be got relatively cheaply.

You Want Value for Money

Free web hosts are usually not the best option; however you do still want value for money. Consider carefully what you are getting for the price they charge to determine whether this is going to be worth it for you. Do some shopping around for web hosts before deciding which one you are going to select.

Your Web Host Should Provide Good Customer Service

Although you hopefully won't need it too often (if you have a good web host), you should still look for one that does offer good customer service when it is needed.

Choosing the correct web host is one of the most important decisions that you will make for your business, as this will greatly influence what others see when they visit your website. You should look for a web host that offers good value for money, all the features you need and a high up time rate. It is also always a good idea to look for a web host that offers good customer services, in many cases you may not need this, but what happens when you do?

Alex Edevane is an accomplished internet marketer and educator focusing on innovative and unique techniques for building a successful online home-based business. To learn more about Alex's revolutionary techniques please visit

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Home Insurance Flood Row

We all remember the unbelievable sight of some of the worst floods the United Kingdom has come across in the middle of summer last year. We were unprepared due to the season, there had been no warnings until then first ones hit, and horribly, there are still hundreds of people who are not back in their homes. Some are still living in trailer homes outside their old houses, and with the bad weather of this summer looming they are at risk of being hit again.

There have been so many discussions over the past few months between the insurance companies throughout the country and government arguing over whom and for how much people will be covered. Many insurance companies have had to refuse point blank to cover because there are either inadequate or no plans whatsoever to tackle the impending floods.

This year it is estimated that over 500,000 homes are at risk of flooding this year, and the amount of damage will rack up to over the 1billion pound mark of last year. The amounts of the claims that the insurance companies received were estimated at four years worth in just two months.

If you have any suspicion that your home, car or business is at risk of flooding it is certainly worth speaking to your insurance adviser sooner rather than later. If you discuss how much you are insured for and how you can avoid flooding you will be glad you did if you are indeed hit. If your cover is not adequate you could of course take out additional cover to make sure your property is safe.

There are many arguments as to why the floods and bad weather are approaching the country during high summer, most finding them selves down to global warming. The unfortunate news with this is that the weather's habits are therefore unlikely to change in the coming years, and if anything get worse.

For Cheap Home Insurance be sure to make sure you look into all of the different Home Insurance deals and packages available. House Insurance can really make the difference on the day you are the victim of theft, floods or fire.

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