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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Benefits of Sun Bath - Boon For Skin, Bones and Muscles

Sun bath is very important for perfect health. It has a mystical antibacterial and antifungal property. The sun showers three types of rays upon us:

1. Rays of visible (white) light - The white light of the sun is made up of light of seven different colors, as seen in the rainbow. Each color has its specific effects on the body.

2. Infra-red rays - These rays impart heat. The warmth of these rays is most welcome in the winter. Moreover, these rays relax and soothe muscles, reduce swelling and relieve pain.

3. Ultra-violet rays - These rays are of special importance. Vitamin D is produced in the body by the action of ultra-violet rays falling on the skin. Sunlight is in fact the best source of Vitamin D. A deficiency of Vitamin D causes a disease of the bones known as 'rickets'.

Not only the skin, but the entire body derives benefits from sunlight. Exposure to sunlight improves health and enhances the resistive powers of the body.

Other benefits of sun bath

1. Sunlight helps nourish the muscles. If the skin is deprived of sunlight by keeping it covered, the muscles tend to weaken and degenerate.

2. Sunlight promotes the proper formation of teeth, speedy growth of hair, and quick and deep breathing.

3. Blood pressure is brought down, and the kidneys become more efficient.

4. By the action of sun light, skin diseases are cured, blisters are burst and wounds are healed more speedily.

5. Sunlight maintains and even increases the amount of alkali in the blood.

6. If a pregnant lady takes sun baths regularly, she gets relief from the usual discomforts of pregnancy such as fatigue, backache, nausea, over stimulation and lactation in the post-parturition period is also improved.

How to take sun bath?

You should begin by exposing the body to the sunlight for 5 to 10 minutes, the anterior parts of the body for half this period and the posterior parts for the other half. Later on, the period of exposure can be gradually increased, as convenient, to about an hour. After sunbath, a cold-water bath should be taken, or the body wiped with a piece of cloth wrung out in cold water.

The mild sun of the morning or the evening has no harmful effect on the body. It is always beneficial. But it is advisable to avoid exposing the body to the intense sunlight of the midday.

The discomfort experienced during a sun bath, or a burning sensation in the skin, is an indication of excessive exposure to sunlight.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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Home Insurance Flood Row

We all remember the unbelievable sight of some of the worst floods the United Kingdom has come across in the middle of summer last year. We were unprepared due to the season, there had been no warnings until then first ones hit, and horribly, there are still hundreds of people who are not back in their homes. Some are still living in trailer homes outside their old houses, and with the bad weather of this summer looming they are at risk of being hit again.

There have been so many discussions over the past few months between the insurance companies throughout the country and government arguing over whom and for how much people will be covered. Many insurance companies have had to refuse point blank to cover because there are either inadequate or no plans whatsoever to tackle the impending floods.

This year it is estimated that over 500,000 homes are at risk of flooding this year, and the amount of damage will rack up to over the 1billion pound mark of last year. The amounts of the claims that the insurance companies received were estimated at four years worth in just two months.

If you have any suspicion that your home, car or business is at risk of flooding it is certainly worth speaking to your insurance adviser sooner rather than later. If you discuss how much you are insured for and how you can avoid flooding you will be glad you did if you are indeed hit. If your cover is not adequate you could of course take out additional cover to make sure your property is safe.

There are many arguments as to why the floods and bad weather are approaching the country during high summer, most finding them selves down to global warming. The unfortunate news with this is that the weather's habits are therefore unlikely to change in the coming years, and if anything get worse.

For Cheap Home Insurance be sure to make sure you look into all of the different Home Insurance deals and packages available. House Insurance can really make the difference on the day you are the victim of theft, floods or fire.

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