Blogging For Your Business - 7 Steps to Get Your Blog Going to Increase Your Business Online
Blogging will get your business off and running. The search engines love blogs because of the fresh new content, and your clients will be able to find you because your blog will rank higher in the search engines than websites that have been around for years. Whether you have been in business for years, or you are starting a business for the very first time, blogging is the way to go. Here are some steps to take to get your blog off to a good start.
- Choose a blogging platform that is simple to set up and maintain. I like Typepad, because it is user friendly and offers great customer service.
- Name your blog using keywords for your business. You will want to do some research on the right keywords to describe exactly what your business is about.
- Purchase a domain name to use for your blog. Again, be sure to pick a domain that has some of your keywords in the title.
- Begin to get in the habit of posting daily to your blog. You don't have to write very much, just a few paragraphs each time.
- Remember that the blog is for your readers, not just for you. Provide good information for them so they will want to come back regularly.
- Have an opt-in form clearly visible on your blog so your visitors will be able to give you their name and email address. This way you can stay in touch with them and let them know what you are doing in your business.
- Look for experts in your field and ask them to write a guest post for you. This will give you a break from writing and give the guest blogger an opportunity to let more people know about them. It is a win-win situation.
Follow these 7 steps and your blog will grow in popularity and readership. But most of all, your business will flourish.
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