Praline Biscuits

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cause Health Problem Stress

Our physical abilities are challenged from stress. Several ailments such as hypertension, ulcers, dizziness, anxiety, cramps and palpitations, and cardio diseases are some of the disorders that are most likely to experience when a person is under too much stress. These are always diagnosed by medical practitioners as cause health problem stress. But in the process, if stress is not immediately balanced out or managed, it might also affect the activity of the immune system, and the nervous system.

The responses of our physical functions towards stress can also be alarming, significantly when we have stress attacks more often than our body can adapt. It leads to exhaustion of our nerves and muscles. It weakens our mental capacity and slows down our arteries to pump blood when we are exhausted and tired. Because of these, variations of diseases that might be triggered are expected.

There are also tests that have been proven, that when a person with an ailment, depending on the types of disease the person may have, if under stress, can stimulate the disease further and may cause more damage to the functionality of the body. Stress, as explained, is a medium or a stimulus that cause health problem stress. Many circumstances can get into one's physical, mental and psychological aspects and may aggravate and disrupt many of our body's natural cycle. Our health is very vital as we grow and develop. That's why many doctors suggest limiting stress in one's life. Stress is common problem but may turn into a worst health problem result if taken for granted.

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