Praline Biscuits

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Making Gold With Enchanting in the World of Warcraft

Enchanting is one profession where you will make gold off both the mats and some the enchants, once you reach a high level, that is. When you are a low-level enchanter, you can suck up all the green items you can find to disenchant. When you do this, you will get mats in return, such as: small glowing shard, greater magic essence, and so on. While you can always sell them, it's best to get the highest stacks possible before you do. This will always bring you a ton of gold in quick, as people would rather spend a little more for a stack of 20 than they would for a smaller stack of 9 or 10.

A good way to gain green items is to either A: send them from an alt you have, or B: run one of the dungeons. Once you hit a high enough level to do some of the lower level dungeons alone, you can get some awesome greens to DE (disenchant). RageFire Canyon is a great one to run solo once you hit level 25+ and you will get a ton of green's to DE.

One other major good point about being able to DE items is when you get an item from a quest that you don't want or can't use. Or, when you get a BoP (bind on pickup) item from a drop. You can sell them at a cheap price to a vendor, or you can DE them and triple your cash from these items on AH by selling the mats.

Another great way to gain the items to disenchant is to pick up tailoring as your other profession. This will give you the ability to pick up cheap mats (or grind for them) and create items that will level your tailoring, and then disenchant them for mats for enchanting while you level your enchanting as well. This is the fastest way to level both of these professions and to gain the mats and items that will sell great on the auction house.

But, aside from DE items, there is a high demand for enchants in most of the servers today. Usually, these are for enchants for weapons, and you can make a good tip on them. Just remember the rule from earlier and ask politely for a tip if another player solicits you for an enchant. You will often find that most people will advertise on the trade channel in the major cities which enchant they are looking for, such as a 2H (two-handed weapon enchant) and normally, if they are looking for a specific enchant, they will offer a tip or to purchase the mats sometimes both.

To learn more secrets to earning gold in the World of Warcraft, you can visit:

MD Weems has been a professional writer for over a decade and is an avid MMO gamer. She produces thousands of articles each year over a wide variety of topics.

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