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Monday, October 13, 2008

Advantages of a Business Blog

Blogging shrinks the world. It brings communication to a new level on the internet. The blog is so very popular these days that millions of people are talking to one another through their blogs right this very moment. It is a fantastic platform by which marketers are able to reach out to millions of potential buyers on the internet.

Online marketing of any product or service requires you to know how to reach out to your targeted audience effectively. Without this knowledge, it is equivalent to finding the needle in a haystack. The internet is vast and if you are able to contact your potential customers to promote your product or service, your business will be on the right track.

As blogging is the hottest activity on the internet, you will stand to gain by setting up your blog and using it to do your online marketing. Read all about the advantages of a business blog below.

(1) High volume of traffic with high ranking

As mentioned above, the blog helps bring traffic by increasing its visibility. This can be achieved by securing a high ranking in the major search engines, for instance Google, and with this, you will be able to experience a good volume of traffic to your web site. More often than not, you will receive traffic that is targeted.

(2) Builds relationships and gains trust

Blogging is mainly interactive communication. You have got to talk with your voice that is personalized. The opportunities to build relationships with your readers are plenty, and if you capitalize on them, your online business will experience results, especially if you have also gained the trust of your readers, through your openness, transparency, and sincerity.

(3) Opportunity for sound rapport

One of the many advantages of a business blog is the ability for you to build and increase sound rapport with the visitors of your blog. The reason is that you will be able to drive them to your sales website. As traffic increases, the possibilities for closing sales are also increased. Likewise, opportunities for new product or service launches will also increase.

(4) Easy reaching out to vast internet audience

Through the blog, you are able to reach out to a really massive audience of web surfers. About five billion searches are being conducted every month on the internet. Statistics reveal this startling opportunity to drive these surfers to your business. This is the intrinsic power of the blog. It creates an exponential impact upon your business.

(5) Ability to retain readers

The blog enables you to provide the space for interested readers and followers by means of an online community. This acts as a meeting place for your readers to return to your blog again and again. Sharing of information and exchange of ideas are made possible through this online community. It is a great way to foster friendship and create trust, which is one of the numerous advantages of a business blog. The larger the community, the better it is for the growth of your business.

(6) Ability to personalize

The intrinsic characteristic of a blog is to be personal in your own voice. You would need to provide a personal touch to your service through your blog. That said, it is vital to humanize your business in order to make your potential customers feel comfortable in buying from you. Provide them with warmth and concern, and they will return to your blog for more.

(7) Builds your credibility

You create posts relevant to your niche in your blog. As such, the world comes to know you as an expert in your field, especially when you provide great and relevant information and content. Your credibility increases when readers hold a high esteem of you as a leading expert in your industry. When you speak, they will listen.

(8) Provides ease of use

Blogging is made so easy with advanced technology. The blog offers so many easy-to-use, cost-effective web publishing, and content management tools. Even a one-man business is able to compete head-on with a large company on the same level playing ground.

Blogging offers the best opportunities for online marketing. Tools and resources are at our disposal. The only way to reap all of the many advantages of a business blog is to actually start one. You will then understand why the blog is currently creating huge waves in the world of online marketing!

For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here.

Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

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