Praline Biscuits

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Comments on Aga Khan Board

Examination is one of the core focused parts of assessing students capability, which helps them to know that what they have learned during their academic year. If the examinations are not conducted in a proper flow, then there might be a chance of loosing some brilliant stars of the future ahead. In the recent years, we have seen that the problems such as lack of transparency in examination, unexpected marks, wrong assessment system, bribery, rote learning based curriculum, inefficient books, etc., have become a routine of all the boards in our country, which made people to think about the revival of the education system in Pakistan.

Many initiatives are being taken by our government to increase the literacy rate of our country, but no body is clearly changing the wrong-implemented education and examination system policies, which needs to be focused vividly. Although, there are around 27 boards, which are catering examination in Pakistan, e.g. Sindh Board, Federal Board, etc., but despite of all their efforts, students are not satisfied yet with the assessment and education system.

After analyzing all these problems, The Aga Khan University took this initiatives and after the approval, formed a board, and claimed that the students will be given chance to show their capability without having any unfair with them. The AKU-EB was created in response to a group of schools in Karachi , who appealed to Aga Khan University for an alternate examination board that encouraged the development of reasoning in the students. On the encouragement of the Government of Pakistan, AKU-EB was granted the approval through an Ordinance in November 2002. The AKU-EB also claimed and emphasized that their examination system will be free from all the flaws. When the Parents and students heard of this board, they gradually took interest and entered their children to the schools, which catered The Aga Khan Board Examination System. Finally, all the students and parents were happy to see the bright future of their children. The schools started teaching the AKU-EB curriculum from 2005.

The board gave certain guidelines to the schools and teachers about the course books and how it was to be taught; but the proper explanation of the curriculum was not given to the teachers professionally, due to which they failed to deliver that to the students. Most of the schools even not recommended the standard books to the students to practice from, and thus based the curriculum on rote learning as same as of other boards. Few of the schools even forced their students to learn Sindh Board Books for the examination.

This all happened because the proper guidance of books was not given to all the schools offering AKU-EB. Only few schools such as Habib Girls, Nasra School, etc., teachers were planned and knew every thing about the curriculum; but what was the fault of the other teachers, who were not given the proper guidance by the AKU-EB.

The course teaching methodology and the books of all the schools are different from each other. Although the curriculum is approved by the Ministry of Education, but the books, according to the new examination pattern is not yet developed. The Aga Khan Board just developed their approved Urdu Book, which is out of the minds of students due to irrelevant selected chapters. Even the methodology of learning and its objectives and evaluating exercises at the end of the chapter are not given at all. Due to inappropriate knowledge about the subject books, students worries what to learn and from where.

In the year, 2006, the first Mock Practice examination took place, in which around all the Aga Khan Board approved schools participated. This examination was held to prepare the students for the future burdened composite examination. The results were announced and seeing the worst ever results never expected, students got shock. One of the brilliant students of Hampton School answered the question that despite of maintaining the highest score in his school examinations, he got the least percentage in the mock examination. Another student of the Progressive Public School answered that he failed in all the subjects, although he was pre- planned and mentally prepared to give the mock papers. It is truly said that whenever a professional work is to be done, it is to be done with the pre-planning. But The Aga Khan Board lacks the professional curriculum development. AKU-EB does not understand the requirement of the students and teachers yet.

The new evaluation system was although encouraged in Pakistan, but the miserable course outline is burdening the students and teachers. Although the curriculum is approved, but The Aga Khan Board failed to developed teacher resource books. AKU-EB is just giving the names of the topics, knowing the facts, that the teachers in Pakistan require vigorous trainings in education before teaching. Most of the schools are hiring the teachers to teach the Aga Khan Board curriculum, who are just a Graduate. Moreover, the workbooks developed by the Aga Khan Board are not very interesting due to which, the schools such as The Aga Khan school teachers gave the workbooks to the students to fill it from home in just a one day, despite of knowing the fact, that this work book needs to be completed along with the chapters. Especially the English Workbook is a burden for students, because even the teachers of most of the schools don't know how to fill it. This year, the composite examination of the Aga Khan Board also took place in which at least 21% students are declared as fail.

The curriculum was too heavy to meet the mind level of the students. Plus the composite examination system is considered as one of the burdens on Pakistani students. The brilliant students, whose phenomenal works were once appreciated by the schools, got the least percentage in their composite examination this year. Few of the students also complained that many irrelevant questions came in their examination from the chapters, which were not even explained in the academic year by the schools. When we interviewed some schools teachers, they told us that they were not aware about the irrelevant topics that came in the paper. One of the brilliant students, Hussain did not get admission in the Aga Khan College, because he was told that his marks are not competitive. But the teachers of his schools told us, that he was the best student of the school throughout the academic year. Another student ABC torn his mark sheet and left the AKU-EB forever. Most of the private colleges have not taken AKU-EB students in their colleges due to low mark scores. The second mock papers were also held this year for the second batch students of the AKU-EB. The results shocked most of the students, because most of the students are declared as fail in at-least one of the subject. One student XYZ told me that she is good at Mathematics and she had also given the O-levels examinations 2 years back, but joined the Aga Khan Board to compete the Pakistani students. But knowing, that she failed in her Mathematic paper, distressed her. Another student Zehra told us, that most of the questions in Chemistry, Mathematics and specially Islamiat were given that were not included in their school curriculum and were not taught to them. One more revealing truth, which unveiled was the lack of transparency in the examination board. Due to certain city circumstances, few of the mock papers were delayed in most of the schools. But it was taken in few of the schools on the commenced day, due to which the paper leaked out. I personally saw three Mock Papers theft by the students of some schools, where the mock papers were held on the same commenced day.

They sold that paper to the students, whose paper was postponed. This view alarmed me. One of the student, Munawwar, who bought that paper got the highest marks in his mock papers, although failed in those subjects in his school examination.

Half of the population of the students is now planning to shift towards the Matric examination board again, because their wishes to get good marks ended in smoke after seeing the results. The new students, who set their mind to join AKU-EB, are still thinking whether to join this board or not. I personally believe that the Aga Khan board is one of the best future boards of our country, but it requires proper flow to move on. The books are not planned. The teachers of the AKU-EB are not pre-planned. Students are not well informed how to move on for their examination practice. The course book has not yet developed by the AKU-EB for the students. The course is unexpected in the examination. The workbooks are not being implemented properly and even teachers feels burden to make students fill that. The mock papers 2007 leaked out, is also an issue of concern. The board is charging the highest re-checking fees from the Pakistani students, although claiming that this board is for every class of students in Pakistan. The marking system in examination is not customary in the conceptual questions. Student's opinions are not given priority at all.

Few of the school students decided to leave the Aga Khan Board and joined the Sindh Board, despite of knowing the fact that the Sindh Board has the lack of transparent system of examination. But they are assured that at least they can get their expected marks in that board.

At present the Secondary School Certificates of the public sector examination boards is not accepted overseas, but at least, their mark schemes are not very embarrassed.

Most of the private colleges are not accepting AKU-EB students due to their low scores, but the Sindh board students got approval in most of the private colleges due to their good grades. One of the brilliant students XYZ got 90% in her Sindh Board Examination this year. She told me that if she would have appeared in the AKU-EB paper, she might have failed to get such good percentage. This expression of one of the students shows that the AKU-EB needs to re-evaluate their policies according to the expectations of the future leaders of our country. The AKU-EB is the only hope in the eyes of the future students. They want this board to function properly so that they could also enter this board. Although this board has brought many changes in our examination system and has developed a challenging task for other boards to compete, but if they amend certain policies, then, doubtless, this board would be the best board of Pakistan in the future ahead.

Munir Moosa Sewani is one of the famous, prominent and creative names in the field of Education since 8 years. He is a Master Trainer In Special Education, Post Graduate, Teacher Educator and a Teacher. He is a Freelance Writer and Photographer too. He is an author of the famous self-published storybook for children named as "The MORAL STORIES FOR CHILDREN" and has also written Biology course book for Secondary Classes. He has written almost more than 30 articles on social, health, educational and cultural issues, which are internationally recognized and published on most of the famous world wide websites, magazines and newspapers. He is also a Social worker, private tutor, career counselor, musician, lyrics writer and have multi- dimensional talents. His future plan is to write dozens of informative books and articles and to work for education and media too.

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