Praline Biscuits

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blogging As a Way to Begin to Make Money Online

When you're just starting to get into the online business you'll pretty soon get overwhelmed by the amount of information and offers, tons of different ways to make it, and each promising more than the other. Now it's very important that you take action as soon as possible and don't get stuck in reading and researching everything. Taking action can sometimes be hard, and a lot of people never even make it through this phase, so in my opinion the first thing you should do is start a blog immediately.

If you have the gift of writing, whatever it may be about, poems, stories, lyrics, recipes, game or product reviews, a personal diary, etc, then you should have no problems starting a blog right now and continue posting to your blog with relative frequency. If you don't have the gift of writing, well, i would recommend you start a blog anyway and try it out for a month or two. Maybe with time you'll learn to enjoy blogging, like millions of others. A blog is extremely easy to start, it's completely free and you can be blogging in less than 5m.

What will you blog about?

Whatever you like, everything you like. The more the better, feel free to just pour your heart and soul into it, talk about movies you watched or music you listen to, sites you visit or discovered, what you work on, your love life, your hobbies, hopes and dreams. There are tons of things you can blog about, just ask yourself what you enjoy and write about that.

If you're specialized in a subject, that's great, you should start a blog just about that subject, and just keep another blog for everything else. You should always make sure that as soon as you feel you'll be writing a lot about a specific subject, then create a new blog just for it. Are you a designer? Then make a blog just for your designs. A photographer? Make a blog with your photos. Really like computer games? Make a blog about a specific game or do your own game reviews on your blog. You get the point, you should expand every time you think you'll get enough material to get a new blog going. This will ensure you get better targeted traffic for the subject specific blogs and increase your number of websites. Several websites and blogs are usually a better choice that just one or a few, but it's better to have few good ones than a lot of bad ones.

Now the reason I think blogging should be the first step even for a newbie is because it's just so easy, a blog puts you on the map practically instantly, you start to get the hang of managing a site, and in 3 or 4 months doing about 4 posts per week you will already be getting some traffic. The general rule is that regular posting increases traffic so try to keep your blog frequently updated. Don't have anything to say? Just look at the news and comment about something on your blog, or post a funny YouTube video, a funny pic, just maintain activity. As for your specialized blogs, those should always be kept on topic so if you can't find anything to post on those blogs, it's better to not post at all and just wait for worthy content.

Starting one or several blogs early on your online venture will only help you in the long run. Frequently updated blogs can eventually rank highly on the search engines for hundreds of keywords and even if you don't end up building your online business model around blogging those blogs will help you get much needed traffic and links.

Now don't think about the money just yet, blogging won't make you rich instantly although it eventually can. A lot of people make a living blogging. Can you? That's hard to say, if you're just starting out then don't even think about that, just start blogging for a few months, get used to it, make constant posts, be original and controversial, and keep an eye on your visitor count. Only once you have a blog with constant traffic will it be time to start thinking about monetizing that traffic.

Roberto Gomes writes for, a blog aimed at beginners in the make money online business, internet marketing and all subtopics that revolve around it like traffic generation, search engine optimization, contextual advertising, affiliate marketing and much more.

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